Monday, February 4, 2008

Time to become a loser...

I've had it with weighing this much. I'm going to report my progress here, but without a scale I am guessing that I weigh somewhere around 300lbs. Don't freak out, I am 6'2", but still, my ideal weight is somewhere around 220. If I am ever going to play music in front of anyone again, I need to be in shape anways.

Besides that, I would like women to look at me the way they used to. No more letting myself go.

It ends now.

Another one of those decisions...

My life could be defined by the decisions I make. Not me, but my life. I recently talked to my best friend Mike about moving back to Indiana and writing music again. I think I am at a point in my life where this would be acceptable, except that I have children that depend on me financially, and just uprooting myself at a whim is terribly irresponsible, and unfair to them.

I could get a job back there, sure, but would it work out? I've moved from and to Indiana many times and it hasn't always gone well. I want it to, but again, decisions I make are just absolutely poor.

Why would it be different this time?

Several reasons. For one, I am still the same person, but with a few changes. As I have said before, I am not defining myself by employment. I am a writer. I am also a writer of music. I just haven't made music in a long time. My oldest girl would love to have me back there and would also love to see us play. I dunno. Seems risky.

But I've always taken risks, consequences be damned. Could a second go-around with music be successful in this horrible market? Possibly, but we would have to redefine our music. not change it, but evolve it. I would like that.

I still have it in me to write and play music. I am a better writer than I used to be, and my lyrics, poems, short stories come from experience instead of pretention.

Maybe I will go back. But I have some things to take care of here first.