Monday, February 4, 2008

Another one of those decisions...

My life could be defined by the decisions I make. Not me, but my life. I recently talked to my best friend Mike about moving back to Indiana and writing music again. I think I am at a point in my life where this would be acceptable, except that I have children that depend on me financially, and just uprooting myself at a whim is terribly irresponsible, and unfair to them.

I could get a job back there, sure, but would it work out? I've moved from and to Indiana many times and it hasn't always gone well. I want it to, but again, decisions I make are just absolutely poor.

Why would it be different this time?

Several reasons. For one, I am still the same person, but with a few changes. As I have said before, I am not defining myself by employment. I am a writer. I am also a writer of music. I just haven't made music in a long time. My oldest girl would love to have me back there and would also love to see us play. I dunno. Seems risky.

But I've always taken risks, consequences be damned. Could a second go-around with music be successful in this horrible market? Possibly, but we would have to redefine our music. not change it, but evolve it. I would like that.

I still have it in me to write and play music. I am a better writer than I used to be, and my lyrics, poems, short stories come from experience instead of pretention.

Maybe I will go back. But I have some things to take care of here first.

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