Tuesday, January 15, 2008

What's in a name?

I wanted to address the interesting name I chose for my blog. I have always been a huge Dream Theater fan. If you don't know, Dream Theater are a group of guys that have been together for twenty years, and have refused to sell out to mainstream listeners in order to make a quick buck. After sixteen years of listening to them, I recently came upon a CD I never really paid much attention to: A Change of Seasons. I liked the name. But I also liked what it meant, didn't mean, or wanted to mean.

On the CD, the band explores a different album concept(for them) and performs a 17+ minute song on the first side. This is an absolute slam dunk of a song, and I'm sure it pissed off many critics, as critics have attention spans lasting an average of 4 seconds. A true fan of music and its appreciation, will enjoy this longer than usual song in its three parts.

I'm rambling...

I chose the title because I liked it. I chose it because it fits the way I have lived. I have lived for others in the past, and compromised, but in my waning years, have realized that that is not who I am. I am not saying that living for another is wrong, but it is not who I am. I live for myself in hopes that I am following what God wants me to do. I may be way off(and probably am), but I believe that what God wants for me is more important than what anyone here wants. I am in a listening stage, I suppose.

My life(like most people I think) has also been a change of seasons. Good times, bad times, numb times, extreme highs, extreme lows(HA!, maybe I'm bi-polar), but overall, no different than anyone else's. The only thing that differs me from others, is me. I am a product not of my environment, but my assessment and assimilation of each season I weather, and as the years increase, so will my completion as a person.

Unless I die in a fiery crash of molten metal.

But who can see that coming? No one except God. So I will do my best to listen to Him, read more of His word, and watch the leaves change as each season passes by.

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